Start with a free veeto analysis
when you submit your first problem in the next 48 hours.
"What can I do with my new Veeto account?"
You can submit problems you wish to veeto (and your first one is free for the next 48 hours👆). Here is how it works.
1Tell Us How We Can Help
Which company do you have an issue with, and what is the situation? We just sent you an email with instructions on how to let us know which problem you wish to veeto--and how to get your first veeto analysis for free!
2Get Your Veeto Analysis
This is the main benefit of of your new Veeto account, because we only analyze submissions from activated accounts. Plus, to get you started fast, we will analyze your first case for free if you submit it in the next 48 hours.
3Get Your Demand Letter
With the info you provide about your situation, each time you wish to veeto something, we will draft and send you a custom, legal demand letter for your review and approval, and then we will send it to your opponent.
Use Your New Veeto Power As Often As You Wish
As a member, you can veeto as many problems as you wish--whether it is a $2 issue or a $45M issue (our biggest case so far). For inspiration, you can subscribe to our blog to read about many of the ways other members use Veeto.
The Value of a Veeto
Who else uses Veeto, and what kind of results do they get?
About 22% of Veeto members are themselves attorneys.
5 days
Average time it takes to draft and send a custom, legal demand letter.
Average amount of money Veeto saves members per year.
32 days
Average number of days it takes to resolve a case using Veeto.
About 38% of Veeto members are located outside of the United States.
For just $40 per month, Veeto members get an average annual ROI of 3,931%.